About Me

Creating a Blog for UK Fans of College Football

Welcome to my blog!

I am a lifelong sports fan and grew up in the UK on the usual 1990s diet of football, cricket and rugby. As a teenager my interests broadened to watching the NFL and NBA on Sky Sports which continued into adulthood.

In the early 2010s, whilst watching the satellite channel ESPN America, I stumbled across some American Football which wasn’t the NFL….I had found College Football and fell in love with the passion and rivalries behind the teams.

I have been a fan ever since (in case you are wondering, Oregon Ducks is my team) and decided to start this blog to combine my enjoyment of writing with a desire to talk about the sport, hopefully to convince more people from the UK to jump on the bandwagon!

I am by no means an expert and have clearly never played the game. But I enjoy exploring the history and topics of the day, which I will share on this site. I have been learning lots over the last year so can hopefully save people doing the same research.

As such I hope this blog will serve as a starting point for new fans from the UK but also offer something to more established fans.

Happy Reading!

picture of an American Football